A propos de Quy Cup
Our mission is simple: reduce the impact of plastic on the planet. Quy Cup promotes a more sustainable consumption culture, offering reusable and eco-friendly solutions for your daily drinks. Every day, millions of disposable cups end up in waste, worsening global pollution. At Quy Cup we believe that small gestures can make a big difference. Using innovative and 100% recycled materials, such as R-PET, we want to inspire a conscious change in daily habits, without distorting them, towards a cleaner and more conscious future. R-PET never gives up: it is recycled and comes back as good as new! This polymer, obtained from PET, the material from which all plastic bottles are made, is perfect for containing food and is infinitely recyclable. Last year, R-PET helped recover 13 billion kilos of plastic and save approximately 20 million tons of water, reducing environmental impact and preserving a precious resource. Choose Quy Cup and contribute to a cleaner future